Featured in Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, Colorlines, and IndyWeek and interviewed on HuffPost Live for the Salon article "I Sold My Body to Abercrombie & Fitch"
Discussed the VICE article "Why Trump Tagged Linda McMahon to Lead the Small Business Administration" on MSNBC Live
Discussed the Arnold Sports Festival on the WOSU NPR show All Sides with Anna Staver
Discussed the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article “The Last Battle for Pittsburgh Steel” on 1020 KDKA
Discussed the Washington Examiner artlce “An Ode to Canadian Football” on 680 CJOB’s The Start
Quoted in The Atlantic article “The Far Right’s New ‘Badge of Honor’”
Quoted in the Newsweek artlcle “JK Rowling Might Have Just Won the Culture War”
Quoted in the In These Times article “Losing the Plot”
Article “Our Coddled Elites and All the Pain They Can’t Feel” discussed in the New York Post
Talked about the making of the documentary Pumping Iron on NPR’s Marketplace Morning Report
Article “Adderall Is Not an Identity” featured on The Sunday Long Read
Talked about all-you-can-eat buffets on Chicago’s AM 560 Morning Answer
Talked about Pennsylvania’s role in the upcoming elections on The Spectator’s Americano podcast and Chicago’s AM 560 Morning Answer
Article “PayPal’s War on Speech” discussed in the New York Post
Cited in Ringmaster: Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America
Cited in Circus and the Avant-Gardes: History, Imaginary, Innovation
Cited in Mike Wendling’s book Alt-Right: From 4Chan to the White House
Talked about fitness influencers and steroid use on the WOSU NPR show All Sides with Ann Fisher
Quoted in The Economist article “Athletic Performance Has Been Improving Steadily for Decades”
Subject of a feature profile at SLAM Wrestling on “Obituaries and the Art of Preserving Pro Wrestling History”
Quoted in the MEL Magazine articles “How Much Strength Have I Lost After Months Away From the Gym,” “The Best Workouts to Do While Working,” and “How To Get a Workout Using Paper Plates (Or Anything Else)”
Quoted in The Chronicle of Higher Education article “The Guild and the Grifters”
Cited in the BarBend article “How Computers and the Internet Transformed Powerlifting Forever”
Feature article “The Lonely Life of a Yacht Influencer” discussed at Boing Boing and Bloomberg Opinion
Feature article “How Conspiracy Theories Took Over Pro Wrestling” discussed at Boing Boing
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article “The Underground Economy of Influencer Fitness Plans”
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article “How to Get as Swole as Spongebob”
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article “What Your Upper Body Strength Says About Your Mental Health”
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article “Will Vin Sant Leave You Jacked or Scammed?”
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article “The Post-Quarantine, Pre-Vaccine Future of the Gym”
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article “All the Rocky Training Montages, Ranked by Intensity”
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article “What are the Best Forms of Entertainment to Spice Up Your Exercise?”
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article “If You’re Going to Buy One Piece of Exercise Equipment, Here’s What It Should Be”
Talked about pro wrestling hardbodies on Bro Bible
Quoted in a Know Your Meme article about the Steak-Umm Twitter account
Narrated and appeared in "The History of the Horse" documentary for the cable network Ride TV
Cited in an amicus curiae brief presented to the Supreme Court of the United States on behalf of the petitioners in the case of Rimini Street Inc. v. Oracle USA Inc.
Cited in the Duke Law Journal article “Does the American Rule Still Promote Access to Justice?”
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article "Why is the Push-Up Still the Most Macho Exercise?"
Discussed the Ringer article "From Russia With Lumps" on NPR's All Things Considered (with Don Gonyea)
Quoted in Whitney Phillips' Data & Society report "The Oxygen of Amplification"
Cited in The Politics of Withdrawal
Featured on the BBC Radio program The Briefing Room in the episode "Trump's Shock Troops: The Alt-Right"
Essay "When Video Games Were Playable Stories" in The Paris Review was among the selections for The Atlantic's "The Week in Popular Culture" for the week ending 6/24/2017
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article "What is 'Fat Bodybuilding?'"
Cited in the In These Times article "Trump Wants a Football League Where No One Kneels"
Essay "Steroid Solidarity" in VQR was a Longform "Essay of the Day" on 7/22/2017, ESPN.com's "Essay of the Day" on 7/26/2017, and The Weekly Standard's "Essay of the Day" on 7/11/2017
Featured in MEL Magazine year-end “Best of” articles such as “Everything We Wrestled With in 2018,” “Our 25 Most Popular Pieces of the Year,” and “The Best Original Features”
Essay "For Competitive Grippers, the Grip is the Goal" was featured on Digg on 8/11/2017 and was an ESPN.com "Essay of the Day" on 8/28/2017
Cited in the Boston Globe article "Is the Internet Pushing Us to Peak Male?"
Cited in John Lloyd's The Power and the Story
Quoted in the MEL Magazine article "The Rise of 'Muscle Workout Chart' Facebook Groups"
Cited in the Forward article "Bari Weiss and the Solidarity of the Punditry Class"
Quoted in the VICE Canada article "Deadlifts and Selfies: How Social Media Shaped the Modern Bodybuilder"
Featured on SBNation for the VICE Sports article "How Traded Players Reconfigure Their Lives at a Moment's Notice"
Featured on Digg and Huffington Post for the MEL Magazine article "Why Doesn't Anyone Care About Pro Arm Wrestling?"
Presented "My Father, Donald Trump" at the Matter Studios debut event Total Power Move
Essay "The Big I" was a "Best of 2016" selection by The Paris Review
Quoted in “How Opening a Jar Became The Universal Test for How Strong a Guy Is” in MEL Magazine
Quoted in the attn: article "Donald Trump's WWE Icon Hire Raises Some Questions"
Cited in the Gizmodo article "Palmer Luckey, Millionaire Founder of Oculus Rift, Loves Donald Trump and Dates a Gamergater" and The Guardian article "Who is Palmer Luckey, and why is he funding pro-Trump trolls?"
Cited in the Vox article "The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It's that, but way way weirder."
Mentioned in The Baffler for The Awl article "The Last Days of the Boy Masterminds"
Mentioned in Autostraddle for The Paris Review article "The Big I"
Cited in The New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy
Cited in the Roger Williams Law Review
Cited in "Korean Bodybuilding: Cultural Hybrid or Cultural Homogenization" published by Stockholm University's Department of Asian, Middle Eastern, and Turkish Studies
Profiled in Slate, The Atlantic, Noodle, The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed for the Vox article "Here's Why I'm Leaving Academia"
Interviewed on NPR/KERA's All Things Considered about "The Golden Age of Wrestling in North Texas."
Selected by The Atlantic Daily as the "Evening Read" on 10/5/2016 for the article "Why The Safe Space Debate is a Problem for Adjuncts" (also featured in The Atlantic's "The Year in Race, Identity, and Criminal Justice")
Interviewed for the VICE article "Debt Collectors Make a Killing on the Debts of the Dead"
Quoted in the BBC News article "Who are the alt-right?"
Cited in Is There Life After Football (NYU Press, 2015)
Cited throughout Performance and Professional Wrestling (Routledge, 2016)
Voted to select "The Best 20 Video Games of 2015" for VICE
Featured in Prismo Mag for The Awl article "The Day the Laughter Died"
Selected as one of "Five Best Columns" of 05/29/2014 by The Atlantic Wire for the Al-Jazeera America article "Don't Regulate Professors' Tweets"
Praised by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education for the Al-Jazeera America article "Don't Regulate Professors' Tweets"
Moderated the panel discussion "Ringside: Memories of World Class Championship Wrestling" with "Cowboy" Johnny Mantell, Grey Pierson, Cirrus Bonneau, and "Lady K" Downs
Featured in The Dallas Morning News, MyArlington.gov , The Shorthorn, Texas Standard, UTA News in Spanish, and The Fort Worth Star-Telegram for the UTA Library exhibit "Ringside: Memories of World Class Championship Wrestling"
Discussed in "Book of the Month: Hillbilly Elegy" on Libro.fm
Discussed in "Working Retail While White and Privileged" at Politics and Fashion Blog and "Blogs to Read" at Angry Asian Man
Interviewed in Noodle about "The Purpose of College: A Place for Learning or a Place to Find a Job?"
Cited in the SCRIPTed: A Journal of Law, Technology, and Society article "The Views Expressed Remain My Own"
Interviewed in "Tradition of Lucha Libre Keeps it off the Ropes" for The Dallas Morning News
Discussed in "The Educational Bridge to Nowhere" in The Atlantic
Cited in The Best American Sportswriting 2015
Interviewed in New York Observer about the value of a law school education
My UTA Library exhibit "Ringside: Memories of World Class Championship Wrestling" was selected as one of the "Five Things That Have Texas Talking" by KERA News
Featured in Iron Affinity for The Atlantic article "Drugs and the Evolution of Bodybuilding"
My VICE article "My Time as a Professional Debt Collector Made Me Lose Faith in Humanity" was translated and republished in Medium France and Ulyces
My Salon article "I Sold My Body to Abercrombie & Fitch" was translated and republished in Dagospia
Interviewed about The Atlantic article "Confessions of a Grade-Inflating Professor" on Wisconsin Public Radio's Joy Cardin Show and WBAL Maryland 1090 AM
Featured on The Brain Candy Podcast episodes "How Trump Won," "Olympics / Steroids / Cheating" and "2015: The Year in Review"
Winner of a 2011 Littleton-Griswold Research Grant from the American Historical Association
Winner of a 2011-2012 Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship from the University of Pittsburgh
Cited in Television and New Media
Cited in The Drama Review
Cited in essays about professional wrestling history published by Jacobin, Salon, and Deadspin
Cited in the Iowa University honors thesis "Social Media Fitness Influencers: Innovators and Motivators"
Winner of three Columbia Journalism School Gold Circle Awards in 2011 and 2012
Featured presenter, "American Humor" panel chair, and paper prize winner at the 2014 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Convention
Spotlighted by Bookforum's Omnivore section for the essay "Being a Bumpkin"
Spotlighted by Bookforum's Omnivore section for the essay "Whatever Happened to Pro Wrestling?"
Discussed in "Critics Question Hollywood's Muscleman Addiction" at China Daily
Interviewed in The Shorthorn about The History Channel's foray into online education
Several Shorthorn articles have chronicled the success of the Moot Court team for which I served as coach and faculty advisor: read them here, here, and here
Interviewed in The Shorthorn about the uncertain job prospects facing undergraduates